iOS App Development for Your Business
Learn how building an iOS app can lend credibility to your growing business and create a unique user experience. From determining objectives to creating a streamlined flow, discover the process of designing an app and the benefits it can provide, such as convenience, low barriers to entry, and marketing opportunities. With the iOS Software Development Kit and a development team, your app can be tested, reviewed, and distributed through the App Store, connecting you instantly with your customers.
Essential Designs Team
November 4, 2022

If you’re a growing business with a product or service people love, you might have considered at one point building an app. Apps can lend great credibility to any business, and create a fun and unique user experience.But how do you go about building an app? And what are the benefits?Keep reading. You’ve come to the right place.
What is an iOS app?
An iOS app is an application that offers functionality and features for a product or services user to explore, enjoy, and benefit from. By “iOS,” this means that the app is designed for the iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, all of which utilize Apple's iOS operating system.iOS application development involves making mobile apps for Apple hardware, such as iPhone, iPad, and so on. The software is typically written in Swift programming language or Objective-C and then sent to the App Store for users to experience and enjoy!
What’s the process of building an iOS app?

The process of designing an iOS app is similar to the process of designing a product or service in general, and relies on many of the same concepts.First, you need to determine the general objectives and flow for your app. What is your user going to your app to find? What problem is it solving for them? What information or insights or desired action does your customer expect when they open your app?Once you’ve clarified these things, it’s important to create a flow of events, which can also be organized into what’s called a wireframe, to show the screens and processes a customer would use when exploring your app. You don’t want to create unnecessary pages or screens in the app, as each page or screen might take several days to create. Also, once a wireframe has been created with the desired pages, it isn’t easy to change. So, be judicious.It’s best to aim for a simple and streamlined process from start to finish that requires as few clicks from the user as possible. When they open your app, how long does it take and how many pages will they need to go through to get to their desired objective? It’s tempting to want to make a very complex app with hundreds of different avenues, but simplest is best when it comes to app design.In many ways, an app is similar to a website, and a great experience on the website is going to be similar to a great experience on an app for the same reason: the user gets what they need with as little effort as possible.Native apps for iOS are usually built using the iOS Software Development Kit (iOS SDK). iOS SDK is based on Xcode IDE, programmed with Apple’s unique code language (Swift, referenced above). Each app building process will vary depending on the kinds of graphics or animations that are used, sounds that are used, communications between screens, resources and memory, visual modes, cache settings, and more. In the development process, a development team will explain different time and resource needs for optimizing each screen of the app as they build it to completion.Once the hard work of building individual screens is done, the app is ready for testing, review, publishing, and distribution through the App Store!
What are the business benefits of an app?
People are more connected to their phones than they are to their computers in today’s world. So, it makes sense to have an app that will deliver information and details a customer wants rather than simply relying on a laptop website. Combine this with the convenience an app offers, the low barrier to entry for a customer to log on to an app and explore, and marketing benefits like push notifications, and it’s clear that any business with a product or service a customer wants has an instant connection with them through an iOS app.