Technology Is More Important for Your Business in the Wake of the Pandemic: Why Is This the Case?

Are you struggling to get your business back on track after the pandemic? With the growing need for a strong online presence, technology has become more crucial than ever. In this blog, we explore the evolution of digital marketing and new features available on multiple platforms that can help you attract your target market. As we look to the future, it's important to embrace these technological tools and make your business more productive, efficient, and versatile. Don't go through this alone - there are professionals who can help you get the most out of these features.

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May 6, 2021

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The coronavirus pandemic has had an adverse impact on people of all backgrounds. This includes individuals, families, and small businesses. As the pandemic is entering its second year, a lot of businesses are looking for ways to return to normal. Although a lot of people are getting vaccinated, and businesses are starting to open their doors again, many of the changes that resulted from the pandemic are here to stay. One of the biggest shifts has to do with the growth of technology.Due to the pandemic, a lot of people were forced to work from home. Countless other people were looking for ways to do their shopping from home as well. Even though society is starting to open up again, some of these changes could become permanent. For this reason, technology is more important to your business than it has ever been in the past. Why is this the case?

The Evolution of Digital Marketing

One of the first factors you should keep in mind is digital marketing. Even though there is still a place for traditional marketing including radio spots, TV commercials, and newspaper advertisements, the vast majority of people are going to use a search engine when looking for a product or service they require. Therefore, the first impression people have of your business could take place online.As a result, you need to have a strong online presence. During the pandemic and in the future, the internet is going to play a major role in driving people to your website. If you would like people to learn more about the fantastic products and services you provide, you need to take advantage of every tool available, crafting a strong online presence. What are a few examples of technological features on various platforms you can put to use?

New Features Are Available on Multiple Platforms

Many businesses realize that you are going to have to make a strong impression in the digital world if you would like to attract people to your website. Fortunately, there are plenty of new features you can put to use. These include:

  • The Instagram Branded Content Marketplace: If you would like to reach a wider target market with a personal touch, you may want to consider partnering with an influencer. If you would like to find an influencer for your business, you may want to take a closer look at the branded content marketplace on Instagram. There are new tools that are still being developed; however, these features could help you find the right business partner.
  • New eCommerce Tools from MailChimp: MailChimp has quickly become one of the most popular email marketing platforms. Now, there are two new eCommerce tools you can use free of charge. You can create a digital storefront, add products, manage tax, and complete shipping requests. You can even book appointments using MailChimp.
  • Run Windows on Chromebooks: Are you tired of the compatibility issues between Windows and Chromebooks? It appears these have finally been addressed. Now, Windows apps can operate on a larger scale using Chromebooks.

These are just a few of the top features you may want to put to use in order to bring your business forward in the wake of the pandemic.

Looking to the Future

Even though some changes that took place during the pandemic may revert back to normal, other changes could be here to stay. Therefore, you need to think carefully about how you can put some of these technological tools to work for your business. If you make your business more productive, efficient, and versatile, you will have an easier time attracting people to your digital storefront. Keep in mind that you do not have to go through this alone. There are professionals who can help you get the most out of these features.

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Essential Designs Team

May 6, 2021

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